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Electro Harmonix Nano Small Stone

Učinek, kitara, fazer, nano majhen kamen, resnični bypass, trdna kovinska zasnova, preprosto upravljanje: hitrost (hitrost nihanja), barvno stikalo, napaja ga 9V baterija ali adapter, ki ni del paketa (9V, sredinski negativ)
Naročeno pri dobavitelju 3 kos
Naročeno pri dobavitelju - pridno preverjamo razpoložljivost
Kitarski efekt Electro Harmonix Nano Small Stone

Electro Harmonix Nano Small Stone

79,10 €

Koda izdelka: NSMALL | ID: 8579

Electro Harmonix Nano Small Stone

To je samodejni prevod s programsko opremo:

Učinek, kitara, fazer, nano majhen kamen, resnični bypass, trdna kovinska zasnova, preprosto upravljanje: hitrost (hitrost nihanja), barvno stikalo, napaja ga 9V baterija ali adapter, ki ni del paketa (9V, sredinski negativ)

Parametri in specifikacija

Primerno za



True bypass



Vhodi in izhodi




Možnost delovanja na baterijo


Tip akumulatorja



Adapter priložen



Država izvora


Priporočljivi dodatki

Skupna recenzija na podlagi 8 uporabniških recenzij:


Tibor V.

Splošni vtis


Csúcs király a hangja, az elemet egyből kivenni és adapterre átállni, mert merüléskor már nem ad effekt hangot, de a led még világít.

Siklodi B.

Splošni vtis


This is the same effect pedal as the classic EHX Small Stone, with a new design (which is so cool that I couldn't resist to it). It does what it says on it, nothing more. I wasn't expecting too much for this price and with 2 settings. I purchased it for Bass. It works but it is not primarily designed for that. The Color switch, which basically defines how intense the effect will be, has two positions: down = not that intense but audible; up = very fkin intense. If you are planning to use it on bass like I did, with the color switch up, it will cut the low end at one point before the phase gets back to the starting point. For how long the low frequencies will drop out? that depends on the Rate: Anywhere below 12 o'clock you will hear a significant loss of low frequencies in the Color UP position. Above 12, it is not that bad and by increasing the rate it will become less and less to bearly noticeable. With the color down, it is quite subtle and there is no significant loss of bass freq at any point. Turn the rate up above 3 o'clock and it will start to turn into more like a vibrato, which I think is nice, as it makes the pedal a bit more versatile. On guitar, it works very nice, as you can always sacrifice the low end for the sake of tone/effect. Not very versatile, but again, for this price you shouldn't expect that. If you want more options go for the MXR Phase 100.