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Muziker Famous Classical and Traditional Folk Songs Notna glasba

Sheet music book that features piano arrangements of 16 famous songs and melodies from the times of Romanticism and early 20th century. Includes the most famous pieces from classical music, folk music or other popular compositions. The songs were...
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Note za klaviature Muziker Famous Classical and Traditional Folk Songs Notna glasba

Muziker Famous Classical and Traditional Folk Songs Notna glasba

10,90 €

Koda izdelka: SHEET-MUSIC-BOOK | ID: 225162

Dnevi dodatnega veselja - izkoristite popust do 10 €

Ob nakupu izkoristite kupon za popust in prihranite.
S kodo HAPPY10 dobite do 10€ popusta za vsak nakup nad 300€.

Muziker Famous Classical and Traditional Folk Songs Notna glasba

Sheet music book that features piano arrangements of 16 famous songs and melodies from the times of Romanticism and early 20th century. Includes the most famous pieces from classical music, folk music or other popular compositions. The songs were intentionally arranged into more simple versions, suitable for both professional and beginner musicians. All you need to do is open the book on the right page and the beautiful songs of Ludwig van Beethoven or Erik Satie could be heard in the warmth of your home.

Song list

Antonín Dvořák - Humoreska - The Humoresque
Johann Strauss - An der schönen blauen Donau - By the Beautiful Blue Danube
Ludwig van Beethoven - Für Elise - For Elise
Ludwig van Beethoven - An die Freude - Ode To Joy (European hymn)
Scott Joplin - The Entertainer
Patty Hill and Mildred J. Hill - Good Morning to All  (Happy birthday)
Georges Bizet - Carmen
Slovakian folk song - Ej padá rosička (arranged by Martin Majlo Štefánik)
Richard Wagner - Wedding march
Franz Xaver Gruber - Stille Nacht - Silent night
Edvard Grieg - In the Hall of the Mountain King
Eduardo di Capua - O sole mio
Julius Fučík - Vjezd gladiátorů - Entrance of the Gladiators
Erik Satie - Gnossienne 1
American folk song - The House of the Rising Sun
Traditional Neapolitan song - Santa Lucia 

Parametri in specifikacija

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Raven težavnosti




Classical, Folk


Država izvora


Skupna recenzija na podlagi 598 uporabniških recenzij:


Ivan V.

Splošni vtis



Boris V.

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Za začetnike dobrodošlo darilo.

Jindřich J.

Splošni vtis


Vzhledem k ceně sešitu to beru jako takový "dárek k nákupu".

Patrice M.

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Super !

Ciocan M.

Splošni vtis


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