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Koda izdelka: SE004 | ID: 226813
The Revolution in Cajon Building The CaSela Snare Cajon is a professional cajon which is screwed together quickly and easily. It combines Sela‘s many years of experience making cajons with highly modern production methods. This opens up entirely new visual and acoustic possibilities. The precisely finished components are "Made in Germany" and are of the highest quality. Fast and easy assembly The only things you need for the assembly are a cordless screwdriver and a hammer. No glue and no anchors are required. In the assembly instructions, all steps are explained in detail. The online video building instruction provides additional tips. High comfort, optimal sound production The extra-strong body guarantees an optimal sound production. Rounded corners and the Sela Thin Splash veneered playing surface provide a relaxed and enjoyable playing feeling. Due to the construction, subsequent replacement of the playing surface is possible. Removable Sela Snare System and special clap corners The sound of the Sela Snare System can be attenuated or amplified according to your taste. Additionally you can remove the snare easily. Through that your CaSela turns into a traditional Peruvian cajon without a snare. The cajon has individually adjustable clap corners, in addition to the crisp snare sound and the differentiated bass.
To je samodejni prevod s programsko opremo:
Sestavljene mere: približno 47 x 30 x 30 cm Pakirane mere: približno 49 x 33 x 8 cm Hitra in enostavna montaža Izredno močno 15 mm brezovo telo, 11 slojev Sela Thin Splash igralna površina Zamenljiva igralna površina Trdni, zaobljeni vogali iz najboljšega javorjevega lesa Odstranljiv sistem Sela Snare Individualno nastavljiv snare zvok kakovostni deli, "Made in Germany" gumijaste noge, nedrseče.